Marionette Lines/Nasolabial Folds/Skin Wrinkles

Dermal Fillers

Marionette lines | Nasolabial Folds | Skin wrinkles

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are injections of a substance called Hyaluronic Acid which is naturally found in our skin. As part of the normal ageing process, our skin loses its properties such as elasticity and volume leading to thinning, dehydration and volume loss. These changes contribute to wrinkle formation. Dermal fillers can be used to restore volume and fullness for a youthful appearance.

What areas can be treated?

Marionette Lines (Mouth to chin lines)

Nasolabial Folds (Nose to mouth lines)

Skin Wrinkles

Perioral Wrinkles (Smokers lines)

Below are some great examples of how dermal fillers can be used to treat Marionette lines (mouth to chin lines) at Doctor B Aesthetics.

Common Questions

  • What is the duration of the treatment?

    This usually depends on how many areas are being treated but normally ranges from 30-40 minutes.

  • How long will the results last?

    Juvederm dermal fillers tend to last for around 9-12 months. Juvederm is a premium quality product and is one of the longest lasting fillers on the market.

  • Are the injections painful?

    Injections are normally well tolerated. We normally apply a local anaesthetic numbing cream to the area. The Juvederm dermal filler product contains lidocaine which is a local anaesthetic. This ensures injections are as comfortable as possible.

  • What are the most common side effects?

    The most commonly seen side effects include:

    • Swelling
    • Tenderness
    • Bruising
    • Redness

    These normally resolve in 1-2 weeks.


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